
  • How to succeed with Network Automation using NetBox, Slurp’it and Netpicker

    Starting with network automation can be daunting, especially when you don’t have a roadmap to guide you or a proven reference architecture to help you succeed. In this post, we’ll outline step-by-step how you can succeed with network automation and give you a proven methodology plus the tools to get in full control of all…

  • Writing a test with the Netpicker Network Test Creator AI for Cisco ArcaneDoor CVE

    I’m using our new Custom GPT, the Netpicker Network Test Creator, to write a Python unit test that checks Cisco network devices for the ArcaneDoor vulnerability (CVE-2024-20353).

  • Streamlining network security with pytest and Netpicker: Addressing Cisco’s CVEs

    Introduction Navigating network security in today’s digital landscape requires both vigilance and innovation, especially with recent vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS XE Software. Advanced tools like Python’s pytest and Netpicker are game-changers, offering network engineers a proactive stance in identifying and mitigating risks associated with CVE-2023-20198 and CVE-2023-20273. Understanding the Threat The vulnerabilities in Cisco’s software…