Adding CVEasy verified CVE rules to Netpicker

First, clone the git repository with the Netpicker Policies and rules using the git clone command that can be found on the Netpicker Policies page:

This should give you a local copy of the repository (in this example in the folder default-rules).

Next, navigate to this folder and add the CVEasy verified CVE rules repository:

cd default-rules
git remote add cveasy https://[email protected]/netpicker/cveasy
git fetch cveasy
git subtree add --prefix=cveasy cveasy main --squash

Use the Personal Access Token that you received from us as password for authentication.

After adding the Netpicker verified CVE rules, you should see a extra folder called cveasy.

If everyhing is okay, push the commit that git made with:

git push

Pulling updates from CVEasy later

When updates are available in CVEasy, pull them with:

git subtree pull --prefix=cveasy cveasy main --squash

This pulls the latest changes from the main branch of CVEasy and merges them into your rules repository.